Poor Oral Health Could Result in Compromised Immunity

Many individuals do not realize it, but there is a direct connection between oral health and the overall health. If dental issues are not dealt with immediately, it could result in a compromised immune system.

Given the fact that COVID-19 and its associated variants are currently impacting millions of people, it is more important than ever before to ensure that we are doing all that we are able to do to strengthen our immune systems. Continue reading to learn how poor oral health could detrimentally impact the strength and effectiveness of your immune system.


The mouth is an area where millions upon millions of bacteria colonies live and thrive. This stems from the amount of nutrients that are readily available to the bacteria, as well as the warmth and moisture of the environment.

Bacteria is kept in check by brushing, flossing, and utilizing mouth rinses. If these are left to grow uncontrollably, they have the capability of causing cavities, gum disease, and discomfort. Naturally, high levels of bacterial will move around. If left to move around in the mouth, they will eventually transition to other parts of the body.

Inflammation and the Immune Response

If your oral health regimen is not effective enough to combat all of those potentially dangerous pathogens within the mouth, it could result in inflammation. Not only does inflammation have the potential to be quite uncomfortable, it will cause an immune response to occur. C-reactive protein – sometimes identified as simply “CRP” – is immediately released from the liver.

When inflammation occurs, this response occurs. If it consistently releases, it could result in the development of other types of health conditions within the body. Examples include the onset of a heart attack, stroke, and the clotting of the arteries.

Boosting the Immune System Through Oral Health

While poor dental health has a negative impact on the body’s immune system, optimal oral health provides an overall boost to the general health. You should brush two to three times daily. It is advised that you floss at least one time each day, but you can floss multiple times a day. Also, you should use a mouth rinse that is antibacterial is capable of killing off other types of pathogens – apart from bacteria.

Each time you brush, you should use the mouth rinse. If you so desire, floss, rinse, brush, and rinse again – this strategy is typically quite effective for those wanting to boost their dental and general health.

Professional Services

If your mouth is in bad shape, do not fret. There are professional periodontal services available that will allow you to recover and reverse the damage to your health. Examples include tissue and root therapy, dental implants, arch replacements, laser therapy, crown lengthening, pocket reduction surgery, and more!

If you are having an issue and are interested in correcting it so that your dental health and your general health gets back on track, contact us today at Implant & Perio Center of Kansas for assistance by calling: 316-330-4050