Dental Health

The Importance of Regular Periodontal Check-Ups

Your smile is one of your most valuable assets, and maintaining healthy gums is crucial for preserving it. Today, we’ll explore the importance of regular periodontal check-ups and how they contribute to your overall oral health and well-being. Understanding Periodontal Health Periodontal health refers to the condition of the tissues surrounding and supporting your teeth,… Read More…

Managing Loose Teeth: Treatment Options and Prevention

Welcome to a comprehensive guide on understanding and managing loose teeth, a common dental concern that affects many individuals at some point in their lives. At Implant & Perio Center of Kansas, we recognize the importance of addressing this issue with both professional insight and compassionate care. Whether you’re curious about the causes of loose… Read More…

Improve Your Dental Health with These New Year Resolutions

New Years Resolutions For Your Teeth

Your dental health is a critical component to your overall health and wellness. Now that the New Year is upon us, it is a great time to create and implement resolutions that will provide a boost to your oral health. By placing your focus on maintaining optimal oral health, you are committing to maintaining your… Read More…

The Worst Halloween Candy for Your Kids’ Teeth

Kids Reaching For Halloween Candy

Halloween is a spectacular and highly enjoyable holiday, boasting of tales of ghosts, fear of goblins, and anticipation of goodies. Unfortunately, the truly scariest aspect of the celebrations that abound as Halloween draws near is the fact that the sugar contained in the treats that will be passed about have the capability of playing a… Read More…

The Best and Worst Foods for Your Dental Health

Boy Eating Food Good For Teeth

The mouth is home to billions of bacteria. While many of these bacteria are healthy, there are some that are harmful to your dental health. If you consume the wrong foods, you will essentially “feed” the harmful bacteria. This can result in the development of a thin film of material that’s latches plaque onto the… Read More…

Simple Strategies to Boost Your Dental Health During the Summer Months

Summer Dental Health

Now that summer is upon us, the temperatures are warming up and the sun is shining brighter than ever. Most people are engaging in a multitude of fun and exciting activities with their family and friends. These include fishing trips, camping adventures, cooking out, swimming, traveling to amusement parks, visiting zoos, and more. While summer… Read More…

Knowledge is Power…

Knowledge Is Power

Something we’ve all heard before, right?  When it comes to health or dental care, nothing could be more true! Your First Step Being aware of the status of your oral health is the first step in this knowledge. We cannot change what we don’t know is happening. The information out there to be found on… Read More…

New Year Resolutions That Will Improve Your Dental Health

New Years Resolutions For Dental Health

Your dental health is a critical component to your overall health and wellness. The New Year is a wonderful time to create and stick to resolutions that are designed to make you feel better and look better. Why not establish a few resolutions that will ensure optimal oral health? Taking care of all components of… Read More…