New Year Resolutions That Will Improve Your Dental Health

New Years Resolutions For Dental Health

Your dental health is a critical component to your overall health and wellness. The New Year is a wonderful time to create and stick to resolutions that are designed to make you feel better and look better. Why not establish a few resolutions that will ensure optimal oral health?

Taking care of all components of your mouth is not only a worthy goal, it is a goal that all of us are capable of accomplishing and should make a priority in our lives. By making New Year resolutions that pertain to your oral health, you can avoid health problems such as bad breath, the development of tooth decay, gum disease, and several other health complications.

Continue reading to learn a few resolutions that will optimize your dental health.

Improve Your Oral Hygiene Habits

The first – and most basic – of dental health resolutions should be to improve your habits, as they relate to your oral hygiene. The most basic of these tasks include brushing, flossing, and the way that you go about these tasks. You should strive to brush – at the minimum – twice each day. You should floss at least once a day.

When brushing, opt for a soft-bristle toothbrush and tooth paste that contains fluoride. You should brush for a minimum of two minutes, ensuring that you brush the front, sides, and back of each tooth. Remember to replace your toothbrush at least once every couple of months and after any sicknesses that you develop.

When flossing, make certain that you get in-between and around each tooth. As an added bonus, gently brush the insides of your jaws, as well as your tongue!

See Your Dentist Regularly

According to statistics, approximately one out of every three adults fail to make an appointment with their dentist each year. It does not matter if you have no visible signs of an issue or not, it is advised to see your dentist once a year.

If you have dental issues, you should see your dentist twice a year. At your appointment, your dentist will examine your teeth and gum tissue. Additionally, they will clean your teeth thoroughly.

Use Caution on What You Put in Your Mouth

Everything that you place into your mouth will have an impact on both your general health and your oral health. To be certain that it is a positive impact, be very selective about your food and beverage choices.

Make an attempt to avoid those items that contain a lot of sugar (whether natural or synthetic), acid, and carbohydrates. All of these may lead to tooth decay and more serious health issues, such as the onset of diabetes.

In order to neutralize the impact of these types of items, you may opt for gums or lozenges that contain Xylitol.

We Can Help You Achieve Optimal Oral Health

Here at the Implant and Perio Center of Wichita, we can help you optimize your dental health. In turn, it will improve your overall health. It has been established that an unhealthy mouth not only leads to a less-than-beautiful smile, but it can lead to decay, gum disease, and pain.

These dental health problems have the capability of then transforming into more serious health problems such as the onset of diabetes, microbial invasion that could lead to potentially dangerous infections, the body’s inability to resist infection, endocarditis, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and even Alzheimer’s disease.

To start your New Year out right, contact us immediately to set up an appointment: 316-330-2828