Is It Better to Get Dentures or Dental Implants?

Missing teeth detrimentally impact the appearance, the self-esteem, the overall functionality of the mouth, and the overall health. If you are reading this, chances are you are missing teeth. It is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, tooth loss is one of the most common of circumstances among those 35 years of age… Read More…

Can I Have Dental Work Done While on Blood Thinners?

Throughout the United States, millions of individuals must take blood thinner medication to prevent strokes, heart attacks, and to manage various types of medical conditions, such as cardiac arrhythmias. Blood thinners are effective at improving the quality of life and providing a boost to the health. However, one major side effect associated with this type… Read More…

What Is a Sinus Lift?

A sinus lift – which is also identified as “sinus augmentation” – is a type of surgery that is performed in order to make the placement of dental implants quick and easy. Many individuals that require dental implants do not have enough bone-based support due to bone loss. This procedure helps to increase the amount… Read More…

PRP and PRF Treatments Prove to be Highly Beneficial in the Dental Industry

Here at the Implant & Perio Center, we strive to deliver the most technological-advanced treatments to our patients. In recent years, numerous studies and real-world applications have been conducted to test the effectiveness of PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) and PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) treatments within the healthcare setting. It has been established that both of these treatments… Read More…

What Is a Dental Endoscope?

Dental Endoscopy

A dental endoscope is a technologically-advanced device that aids in the treatment of periodontal disease. Its design allows for the exploration and visualization of the pocket situated under the gum of teeth that are associated with the loss of bone. The image it gathers is projected onto a monitor so that the performing periodontist may… Read More…

The Benefits of Having Dental Endoscopy Treatments for Gum Disease

If you have gum disease, you should consider having dental endoscopy treatments for the condition. This is an advanced treatment for periodontal disease that is often referred to as “perioscopy digital technology”. In short, a dental endoscope is utilized through an attachment to a probe that is used to access the periodontal pockets within the… Read More…

Dental Implants Found to Preserve Cognitive Function Among Patients Who Have Experienced Tooth Loss

A recent study has indicated that by replacing missing teeth with dental implants, the risk for the development of dementia and other forms of cognitive impairment is decreased. If an individual has dementia and has dental implants put in place of missing teeth, the progression of the issue is slowed. No one is immune to… Read More…

Do You Have Gum Pockets or Periodontal Disease? Pocket Reduction Surgery Is a Productive Solution

Checking For Gum Pockets

If your dentist or periodontist has informed you that you have gum pockets or that you have periodontal disease, it is time to seek out a resolution. To date, one of the most productive of all options is pocket reduction surgery. This procedure may be referred to as any of the following: “osseous surgery”, “gingivectomy”,… Read More…

What Are the Advantages of Replacing Multiple Missing Teeth with Dental Implants Over Partial Dentures That May Be Removed? 

If you are missing multiple teeth, you have – generally speaking – two options. The first is to replace them with a removable partial denture. The second is to have dental implants placed in the mouth to replace them. While both treatment options have their own benefits, many find it more beneficial to opt for… Read More…

Oral Health Care for Dementia Patients with Dental Implants

According to statistics, someone, somewhere within the world develops dementia every 3 seconds. In 2020, at least 55 million people throughout the world were living with this condition. That number is expected to double at least once every 2 decades. If you have a loved one with dementia that has dental implants, it is imperative… Read More…