Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) Provides Cosmetic Advantage to Patients with Advanced Gum Disease

If you have been informed that you suffer from periodontitis – which is a highly advanced form of gum disease – you will be pleased to know that there is a procedure available that will provide you with relief and will be cosmetically advantageous.

That is, laser-assisted new attachment procedures, also referred to as “LANAP”. This regenerative form of treatment is not only less invasive, but it is significantly cheaper and offers more comfort than bone grafting or bone regeneration.

What Is the Advantage?

When an individual receives traditional treatments for advanced gum disease, there often comes a high level of inflammation. This stems from both the progression of the diseased gum tissue and the treatment.

Once the inflammation starts to go away, the soft tissue in the mouth will actually start to shrink. It has been scientifically proven that the LANAP is capable of preserving the highest amount of soft tissue throughout the mouth compared to the other procedures that involve the flap access for treatment. LANAP only focuses on removing the unhealthy tissue.

Reduced Surgical Time

In addition to only removing unhealthy tissue in the mouth, LANAP has been found to cut the surgical time in half. Patients may have the procedure performed in one of two different ways. First, they may have half the mouth done at a time in two visits over a period of less than a month.

Secondly, they may choose to have a full mouth LANAP treatment in just one visit. If one visit is your choice, it is important to know that mild sedation may be provided just to allow you to relax and remain comfortable. Either way, this is significantly faster than traditional treatments and takes much less time, overall.

The Main Steps

The following outlines the main steps that are associated with the LANAP procedure for advanced gum disease:

  1. Numbing will be done and an evaluation of the bone around the mouth will be evaluated to uncover any defects associated with the direct progression associated with the gum disease.
  2. A pulse laser will then be used to remove diseased tissue from the lining of the inner pocket area. Sterilization is then performed on those areas.
  3. If there are hard deposits present, the laser will loosen these. That way, root surfaces may be thoroughly cleaned with special scaler tools.
  4. A blood clot is then formed by the light of the laser in the pocket so that it seals up and is allowed to properly heal.
  5. A night guard may be issued or some type of splinting may be performed to properly stabilize the teeth. For up to 18 months afterwards, a new attachment of connective tissue will form.

Contact Us Today

Not all patients are a good candidate for LANAP, but most are. If you are in the advanced stages of gum disease, contact us here at Implant & Perio Center to determine if this procedure is right for you. Simply call the following to speak directly to one of our specialists: 316-330-4050