LANAP: The Minimally Invasive Revolution in Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a prevalent condition that affects millions of individuals, compromising their oral health and overall well-being. This silent ailment often progresses unnoticed until it causes significant damage, including tooth loss and deterioration of the jawbone. Traditionally, treating periodontitis has involved invasive procedures that could be quite daunting for patients, involving cutting, stitching, and a lengthy recovery process. However, the advent of advanced technologies has paved the way for more sophisticated treatment options. Today, we will explore the Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP), a groundbreaking approach that has revolutionized the treatment of gum disease.

What is LANAP?

LANAP stands for Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure, a state-of-the-art treatment method that utilizes the PerioLase MVP-7 laser to target and eliminate the bacteria and diseased tissue causing gum disease. Unlike traditional methods that require cutting away the gum tissue, LANAP is minimally invasive, focusing precisely on the affected areas without harming the surrounding healthy tissue. This precision not only preserves the integrity of the gum but also facilitates a faster and more comfortable healing process for the patient.

The technology behind LANAP, the PerioLase MVP-7 laser, is specifically designed to target the pathogens responsible for gum disease, effectively removing them while stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. This encourages the regeneration of healthy gum tissue and the reattachment of the gums to the teeth, a crucial aspect of recovering from periodontitis.

One of the most significant benefits of LANAP is its minimally invasive nature. Patients who undergo this procedure often report less discomfort during and after treatment, compared to traditional surgery. Additionally, the recovery time is markedly shorter, allowing patients to return to their daily activities much sooner.

The LANAP Procedure: A Step-by-Step Guide

The journey to reclaiming your oral health from gum disease through the LANAP procedure is marked by a series of meticulously planned steps that prioritize your comfort and the effectiveness of the treatment. Here’s an expanded view of what each step entails:

  1. Initial Consultation and Examination: Your journey begins with a comprehensive consultation at our office. During this visit, we employ advanced diagnostic tools to assess the severity of your gum disease. This step is crucial for tailoring the LANAP procedure to your specific needs, ensuring the most effective treatment plan is devised.
  2. Preparation and Anesthesia: On the day of the procedure, the treatment area is numbed using a local anesthetic. Our team takes every measure to ensure your comfort throughout the process.
  3. Laser Treatment for Bacteria Removal: The LANAP protocol starts with the insertion of a small fiber, approximately the thickness of three human hairs, between the gum and tooth. The PerioLase MVP-7 laser then emits a precise wavelength of light designed to selectively remove diseased tissue and kill harmful bacteria without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue.
  4. Removal of Calculus: The laser treatment is followed by the careful removal of tartar and calculus deposits beneath the gum line. The laser’s unique wavelength disrupts these hardened deposits, making them easier to remove with ultrasonic scalers and special hand instruments.
  5. Clot Stabilization and Tissue Reattachment: Following tartar removal, the laser is used again at a different setting to stimulate the stem cells in the tissues to form a stable fibrin clot. This clot serves as the foundation for the reattachment of the gum to the tooth’s root surface, sealing off the area from further infections.
  6. Compression of the Gum Tissue: After the formation of the clot, the treated gums are gently compressed against the tooth. This step is performed without sutures, promoting natural healing and reattachment of the gum tissue to the tooth surfaces.
  7. Bite Adjustment: The final step involves adjusting your bite to ensure that there is no undue pressure on the treated areas. This is crucial for the healing process and helps prevent any additional trauma to the gums and teeth.

Post-procedure, patients are provided with detailed aftercare instructions to support the healing process, including dietary guidelines, oral hygiene practices, and follow-up appointments to monitor progress.

The Benefits of LANAP Over Traditional Methods

LANAP stands out as a superior choice for treating gum disease when compared to traditional methods, offering a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the immediate healing phase:

  • Reduced Discomfort and Anxiety: The minimally invasive nature of LANAP significantly reduces patient discomfort during and after the procedure. Unlike traditional gum surgery, which involves cutting and stitching, LANAP uses laser technology to achieve results with minimal pain. This approach not only lessens post-operative pain but also reduces anxiety among patients who may be apprehensive about dental surgery.
  • Faster Healing and Recovery: LANAP promotes quicker tissue regeneration and healing, thanks to its ability to target only diseased cells and preserve healthy tissue. This precision reduces swelling, bleeding, and the risk of infection, allowing patients to recover more quickly and comfortably. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities within a day or so, unlike the extended recovery time associated with traditional surgery.
  • Preservation of Healthy Gum Tissue: Traditional gum surgery often requires the removal of a significant amount of tissue to effectively treat periodontitis, which can lead to gum recession and aesthetic concerns. LANAP’s precision preserves healthy gum tissue, which is beneficial for both the health and appearance of your smile.
  • Long-Term Oral Health Benefits: LANAP not only addresses the immediate concerns of gum disease but also promotes the long-term health of your gums. By encouraging the regeneration of bone and connective tissue, LANAP helps stabilize teeth and reduce the risk of future tooth loss. Additionally, the reduction in gum pockets and inflammation leads to a healthier oral environment, decreasing the likelihood of recurrent periodontitis.
  • Improved Overall Well-being: Gum disease has been linked to systemic health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. By effectively treating gum disease, LANAP may help lower the risk of these associated health problems, contributing to improved overall well-being.


Who is a candidate for LANAP? Most patients with moderate to severe periodontitis are candidates for LANAP. However, a consultation with Dr. Sams is necessary to determine if LANAP is the best treatment option for your specific condition.

Does insurance cover LANAP? Coverage for LANAP can vary depending on your dental insurance plan. We recommend consulting with your insurance provider for detailed information regarding your coverage.

What is the post-procedure care for LANAP? After LANAP, patients are given specific instructions to follow to ensure optimal healing. This typically includes dietary recommendations, oral hygiene practices, and possibly follow-up visits to monitor the healing process.

Embracing the Future of Gum Health

LANAP represents a revolutionary step forward in the treatment of gum disease, offering a minimally invasive, less painful alternative to traditional surgery. Its benefits extend beyond the immediate treatment, contributing to long-term gum health and overall well-being.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of gum disease or have been told you need gum surgery, consider LANAP as a modern, effective alternative. We invite you to contact Implant & Perio Center of Kansas to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sams. Together, we can determine if LANAP is the right choice for you, helping you achieve healthier gums and a brighter smile.