What Are the Main Types of Soft Tissue Grafting Techniques Currently Offered by Dental Health Professionals?

If you are reading this, it is quite likely that you have been informed by a dental health professional that you are an ideal candidate for soft tissue grafting or gum grafting. This type of grafting procedure is performed by a periodontist. It is recommended for patients that have a receding gum line. This procedure helps to avoid the exposure of the root surface of the teeth.

If this root is exposed, it could lead to tooth sensitivity and – even worse – the development of tooth decay. Soft tissue grafting helps in reversing these effects and is designed to restore the general health of the soft tissue or gum tissue in the mouth. In this guide, you will learn how grafting is done and the main types of soft tissue grafting techniques that are currently offered to patients.

How Is Soft Tissue Grafting Performed

When soft tissue grafting is performed, a piece of tissue directly from the roof of the mouth or from healthy gum tissue is harvested. This tissue piece is then attached to the area where gum recession is evident. It is a quick and easy procedure that is very safe. It is necessary for those with gum tissue damage who want to correct cosmetic and functional-based issues and protect the teeth from further issues.

What are the Most Common Techniques?

There are various techniques used in gum tissue grafting. Each technique is used to specifically address certain types of periodontal-based concerns. All techniques involve the harvesting of tissue in the mouth to attach to the problem area. The following outlines these techniques, along with a brief description of each:

  1. Connective Tissue Gum Graft – This technique requires opening up a very small flap in the roof section of the mouth. A piece of tissue is then found from behind the opening and placed in the area of the gum recession. This is the most popular type of gum graft performed.
  2. Free Gingival – This technique involves removing a piece of tissue directly from the roof of the mouth in the area of the top palate layer.
  3. Pedicle – These grafts from near where the recession is through the means of a flap. This just uses the tissue that is in close proximity to the recess area. The only requirement is that there is actually healthy gum situated near the problem area.
  4. Alternative – In this technique, the tissue is either harvested from the palate or it may come from another source – such as pig tissue – in order to fully cover the area that is damaged in the gum tissue.

Contact Us Today

If you are in need of soft tissue grafting, you will be pleased to know that we here at Implant & Perio Specialists are able to assist you. In addition to this, we offer many other types of procedures and services including dental implants, periodontal tissue and root therapy, full arch replacements, and crown lengthening. For more information, contact us today by calling: 316-330-4050